A very straight foward and enjoyable game, but overly simplitic. Most Inuyasha fans will instantly want this game

User Rating: 6.3 | Inuyasha: Ougi Ranbu PS2
Inuyasha: Feudal Combat is a very enjoyable to a casual fighting game player, but even more to a hardcore Inuyasha fan. The game consisits of 13 characters including Inuyasha, Kagome, Koga, Kagura, Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Kohaku, Sango, Miroku, Naraku, Bankotsu, Demon Inuyasha, and Human Inuyasha. The cast is good, the graphics are even better, and the voice acting is by the actual actors on the show. Now the fighting system is too simple. There are basically 3 buttons you push in battle, X, square, and circle. Although the attacks in the game are impressively animated, there should be WAY more attacks. All characters have their own attacks, weapons, voice, and design. The game itself has 4 modes of play. Story Mode, Mission Mode, Battle Mode, and Practice Mode are these modes, the basic modes of any fighting game.

Overall: Inuyasha: Feudal Combat is a very enjoyable game with a overly simplistic fighting system. Inuyasha fans will definantly want to pick this game up, most casual gamers will, too. As for some others who want real challenges, you may just want to rent it.