Bandais done it again. Unless you seriously love Inuyasha and don't care for real fighters, steer clear of this one.

User Rating: 4 | Inuyasha: Ougi Ranbu PS2
Bandai creates droves and droves of less than mediocre games, and this one is no different.

This game does hardly any justice to the anime series. I found myself only able to play it for a day, and I did all there was to do in it. Even on hard, the game posed no threat whatsoever, and once my interest in seeing all my favorite Inuyasha characters in the game subsided, I came to realize that Bandai just slapped a neat anime theme onto a horrible game. Unless you have some rabid interest in collecting Inuyasha things, or you hardly play games at all, then this game is not for you. Its hardly worth the price to rent.