First...Ever... Review of this game. And it's great for the age group, 3-6, and older kids too.

User Rating: 8 | Interactive Storybook DS: Series 1 DS
Woot, I'm the first and only to ever and probably ever will, review this game. :-)

I came across it searching the DS games rated "family" or "early childhood" or something, either here or on The family DS is used mostly by my 6 year old son, and sometimes by my 7 year old daughter. My (just turned 5) year old daughter only played Nintendogs sometimes. So I figured I could get a fun game, educational type game just for her, to enjoy the DS, and without being able to see any reviews of this game, went out on a limb and bought it. It's only 20 bucks new anyway.

Anyhoo, the game is good. There's not a whole lotta content, but there really shouldn't be for a game made for 3-6 year olds, as advertized on the front of the game. There are 5 modes of play I believe. 1 has you color in white and black pictures from the stories in the game. By the way, the whole game involves using the touch screen. There are maybe 10 pictures to choose from. Another mode has you drawing/painting your own thing from the ground up, using the exact same paint tools from the coloring mode. Another mode has you playing strings of a harp to make music. There is no tutorial or anything, you just mess around with it, and can record it and play back if desired. Oh, and the downside of coloring/drawing also is that there is no way to save and view your completed artwork later. You just have fun with it and quit it. Another mode gives you farm animals/objects to count on the screen and you have to select the right answer from multiple choices. Basic... The last and best mode is the storybook mode, where you can choose from 4 different stories to "read". The game narrates it for you on the top screen, while it's animated below on the bottom screen. You can touch the story to interactive with it too while it's being read. This mode is also for a little older kids, in the 6-8 range, since they can see the words as they are being read and have a good reading practice session. Speaking of, my older kids (6 and 7) also like to play around with the art modes too.

This game is cute and is definitely a good purchase for parents trying to ease their 3-6 year olds into playing a DS game.