Insomnia: Van Buren

User Rating: 8 | INSOMNIA: The Ark PC

this game feels like a fallout vanburen, that we never saw. Its atmosphere, lore, aesthetics, even the camera angle remind me of what i was expecting from fallout 3 from black isle. It doesent fell generic, its world is crafted with love and passion and the story is what keeps me comming back.

gameplay wise its really old-school, nothing new there. A lot of fetch quests and running around, speaking with local militia, traders and regular citizens. Sometimes regular conversations lead to a quest. And that is nice, it means you need to pay attention not just click on every option available.

shooting is nothing interesting...but still gives you a sense of place, even realism maybe. Hard to explain.

And bugs...a lot of them, too much to recommend this game to a regular player.

Overall its a great game with too much technical hick ups. When you start playing it you will soon realise if this game is for you. If you are looking for something with atmosphere as strong as original fallout and can look past you whole inventory disappearing midgame, this game is for you!

PS I am 31 years old, me first two games were dungeon of shalan and alley cat. I stopped playing rdr2 because of this game.