The best racer ever based off a anime

User Rating: 10 | Initial D Special Stage PS2
Basicly i love anime. But im not to big on racing games. This game is a exception its japanese street racing. If your looking for "Need for Speed" racer you might not like it, its more for Gran Torismo peopel. It has over 70 cars that are from mostly from america and japan , but there are some others. The best part is the music, graphics, and drifting. They took a lot of songs from the anime. But there are some tracks made for the game. Who composes the i dont know but there cool. Grahics are the best i have seen. The only b etter ones are GT4 or NFS. One of the funnest (i know not a word) things are drifting its soo cool to look at what your doing and whats better is you feel like your tac(one of the best racers in the anime.) I have one last things to say its not a normal racer. Also its so fun to go back and play over and over agine.