Sometimes it's fun to play for the bad guys. Use your infernal powers and good old fashioned lead to put out the light.

User Rating: 7.5 | Infernal PC
Infernal is one of those games that falls into a gaming void that most people avoid. This game is not an A game, it's probably a B or a C game, but it doesn't try to be much more than it has to and that is what makes it worth playing. There isn't a lot of plot, and there isn't much character development, but there is plenty of shooting and lots of weapons. If you like a game that is simple yet fun, then you should probably give this game a shot, especially since there isn't much else out right now. Let's break the game down into it's parts and see what makes it worth playing. The graphics in Infernal are very nice. Not necessarily the best on the market, but you can tell that some polish went into the game to make it look good and the environments are very immersive. The animations and effects are quite good and with the use of the Ageia Physx graphics engine, everything reacts to you with some realism. Objects move in the wind, fall over when you bump them, and bodies fall and move when they die. When a game is nice to look at then it usually becomes more fun to play. The AI in the game is worthy enough. The enemies you encounter don't just run straight at you, but instead they use cover, shoot blindly, and try and flank you. This makes your job that much more interesting. The game is not terribly difficult at the medium setting, but you can always crank it up if you want more of a challenge. Not every situation requires lots of shooting either, some worthy boss fights are involved as well. The sound in the game is good with the gunfire especially realistic making the act of shooting seem more real. The guns kick and buck as well making it feel very solid and realistic when firing. There are plenty of sound effects that round out the game nicely, once again not complicated, but just what was necessary to make the game worth playing. This game is downloadable from Gamespot or Steam making it easy to acquire. You might not want to pay the full $40 price tag for the game. There isn't any multilayer and not much reason to play twice, but there was enough game that I didn't feel I was riped off. I'm sure the price will drop in the near future making this a worthy game to pick up if your bored and need something to fill in some time. Overall this game doesn't do anything amazing or new, but it's is far from boring and delivers where it is necessary to make this a fun play.