Looks good, nice concept, but repetive.

User Rating: 7.6 | Infernal PC
I bought Infernal over Steam because the story sounded great, I downloaded the game, played it, but it was REPETIVE AS... I don't know, theres not alot of varity in the game, if it did had some diffrent levels and enemy's, or some new conceps every now and then, this game would be alot better.

Great, you'll have use of the regular arsenal of weapons including pistols and assault rifles, also some other unique weapons like some super-ray guns and this gun that fires needles, you'll also be this person whose a angel hired by the devil, you'll have some nifty powers with you're characters, including draining souls, have fun with changing gravity for items and such.

No complaints here, you can tell of some screenshots this is a good looking game.

You'll play Ryan, this ex-angel whose been hired by the devil to take revenge on certain people, to do this, you'll have a arsenal of super powers you'll be using oftenly, the game lasts a few good hours and is a good timewaster for the first time, but the story gets very repetive.

Run'n shoot AI, typical for a FPS game.

Is it a good shooter:
Its a good shooter,. but it needs some tuning and it could be a great game to expierence.