Very nice, fun a great pick-up-and-play shooter with an Infernal twist...why not?

User Rating: 8.2 | Infernal PC
I really enjoyed this game. The gameplay is fun and got me hooked withing the first 5mins. The PhysX engine helps and the story is somewhat unique. I enjoyed the Infernal powers: teleporting behind the enemies and wacking them with the pistol (single shot in the head) is cool!

The modern setting is nice, even though not so revolutionary! If you played games like Painkiller and the like, INFERNAL is for you. A good old PC shooter, don't expect more.

Too bad it doesn't offer MP modes...and whatever happened to the X360 and PS3 Versions? I really hope they'll revamp the game, add and improve the features (INFERNAL Powers: I want the jetpack!)