Very Entertaining Game. Has some minor flaws but overall fun to play.

User Rating: 9.3 | Infernal PC
Infernal, i thought was very enjoyable. it has some flaws to it but is entertaining nonetheless. the shooting is action packed and the differing abilities are fun to play with. some slight flaws to the game are things such as you can take a severe beating from the bad guys without breaking much of a sweat, but a small fall will kill you immediately. this was the only thing that really bugged me. but overall i found the game fun to play and action packed. The graphics were great to look at and the physics realistic. it was quite entertaining to watch a monk fly through the air after taking a direct hit from one of your infernally infused shots. the soundtrack played well with the game, staying mellow when little was ging on and picking up once you entered combat. The story behind the game is somewhat unique, or at least unique to me in the respect that such a thing has a modern day setting between corporations that specialize in wet works. most games of this theme that i have encountered have always been based in the dark ages and stay there. i do enjoy such themed games but this was a nice change. overall this game was enjoyable.