Fancy colors, cool textures, This game has great appearance but the story line has been left behind.

User Rating: 7.2 | Infernal PC
If your looking for a next version of Sierra's FEAR...unfortunately this is not even close. I thought that the combat and environmental aspects were great but I felt that it could have been pushed towards a more enveloping plot. As a FPS were there is a constant amount of cool gun-play (realistic damage), and the basic AI seemed a little interesting. I guess I'm more towards the whole story...

It might be showing my age I guess....

I am using a a X1600 (AGP not PCI-Express) with a Pentium4 3.6 gig and a gig ram so I guess the performance was adequate but not overly demanding.
I admit.. I was entertained enough to want to play more but after a few levels I got tired of the routine. I'd recommend this game after the price drops to the 19.00 level....but not before.