No Doubt, the best fast pace zombie game ever

User Rating: 8.9 | Infected PSP
This the best fast pace zombie game every. wow i was a little surprised at this game, considering all the stupid rumors i heard, that the loading times were long..that was all some bull s*** this is an outstanding game, considering most zombie games are slow. This one is the best especially the fast pace I seen a video of this game and i thought whoa this really is a great game...I must get it when it is released, and when i got the game it was everything i thought it would be, some people just buy a game because of the pictures on the case, and no nothing about the game but i knew alot about this game and i was really looking for ward to this game being one of my favorite psp games, and it is..even my only psp zombie games, now that one of the best things, a zombie game on one of my handheld systems..Alrigh!