Fun, unique, and has replay value.

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous PS3
This game is similar to many sandbox-style action games, but it's better than most of them. Having a comic-book-style superhero game that plays like a 3rd person shooter is one of the unique aspects of this game, and a big part of it's appeal.
The voice acting may be a little contrived, and the story is set in a bizarre universe with funny fictional secret societies like the "First Sons", but you still feel invested enough in the plot to stay entertained.
The choice to become Good(Famous) or Bad(Infamous) in the game ads replay value. But you basically want to choose to be all good or all evil since theirs no progress with your powers if you keep a neutral Karma. Maybe in future sequels they could ad a Neutral Karma to give it even more replay value... who knows?
For trophy seekers, this is a pretty good trophy game. It does tease you by making most of the trophies easily earnable in 2 playthroughs. But be warned about the Rockhound trophy. Don't think that you can just scour the city after beating the game to find the last few blast shards you need because you'll need to cover every inch of the map and you'll inevitably spend hours trying to find 3-4 shards. Just read someone's trophy guide for tips.
Overall great game.