A game you can't forget...

User Rating: 9.5 | inFamous PS3
Every game has its positive and negative sides. I won't say it is a perfect game. It has problems. In fact, it has lots of problems. The story was pretty good, I can say. Especially the ending was wonderful. If you see it, you'll know you won't forget it. It is not much unexpected but you will surprise to see that.
The gameplay was very fun. Actually the best thing about the game was the gameplay. The movements were awesomely fun, the abilities Cole can use are pretty awesome, aiming is pretty easy after a while despite the analog. Static Trusters was an awesome power. After a while, you can't do anything without using it. The most devastating power was Thunder Storm(?)(can't remember the exact name but it is the last power you can get). It creates thunders moves along and this power uses SIXAXIS. The rest was pretty awesome too. However, there differences between good powers and bad powers. If your karma goes bad you can only use bad powers(I mean evil not low-class powers), if it goes good you can use good powers. Good powers are much more defensive and bad powers are more like offensive.
The crowd reacts to move your moves too. If you become a villain the crowd starts to throw rocks at you. If you are a hero then they start to take photos of you and support you. Sometimes throw rocks at enemies. However villain gameplay is much easier. Why? Because you can make big impacts. Your karma goes bad if you attack villains. So you try to avoid hurting civilains if you are good. However, if you are hero you can make big impacts and if you hurt civilians, it is good for you. After all, you try to make your karma bad.
Music is pretty good either. Sometimes it gets spooky :P . Nah, but they are pretty good.
Well, the overall game is pretty good. However, there are terrible bugs and glitches in game. For example, there is a mission in prison. In this mission your objective is to protect the prison. Then after a couple of minions. A condiut comes. The big condiut which appears in Warren. Then he walks through the wall in front of the prison. On the top of it there are bars Cole can walk on. However, after this big boy condiut breaks the wall the bars are gone too. Or should I say invisible? Yes you can walk on it although it isn't there... Well I think this explains the glitches. However, you won't care much about them after you progress. And I find it is too bad that InFamous is compared to Prototype. I played Prototype and then changed it with InFamous. So I know both games. However, InFamous is far better that Prototype.
Well that's all I can say about the game. Actually there are lots of more but I'm not sure I remember everything very well. Finished story mode 3 months ago now trying to get Platinum. Only one trophy left. Have a good day and merry Christmas!