A shockingly fun open world game.

User Rating: 8 | inFamous PS3
Ahhh open world games, the freedom, the hijacking of cars, the lightning shooting from my hands...wait what? InFamous is a creative new open world game from developer sucker punch, the same devs who brought us the Sly Cooper series. Lets get to the heart of this game.

You play as Cole, just a regular deliver guy doing his delivering duties, when the package you are carrying suddenly explodes taking half of the city out with it. You survive only to wake up with new powers and the whole "with great power comes even more responsibility" thing thrown into your lap. InFamous for the most part is about choice, the moral system place a big part in this game, having the option to do good around your now destruction filled city or help watch the place burn. Have people follow you around cheering you as a hero or have the run and hide as if you are death himself, the choice is yours.

None of this would matter if the gameplay didn't back it up, and for the most part it does. The controls feel tight, fighting enemies whether it be on the ground, in the air or while gliding freely across some electric wires, feels great. Climbing, which is another big part of this game is done with ease, any tower or building no matter the size can be scaled in a matter or seconds without much effort at all.

Graphically InFamous looks great, the city looks alive and well and the characters have great details to them, but the real draw is the excellent comic book style cutscenes which help keep moving the story along.

The game is not without its faults tho, even with all this being said the game can get really repetitive as there is not a whole lot of variety in terms of side missions and enemies you encounter, but if you can deal with that small hiccup InFamous delivers a unique open world experience.