Boring and dull

User Rating: 6 | inFamous 2 PS3
Now I am a PS fan and I will be getting a PS4 at launch day. But I can not get over the inFamous series. I find these games way overrated and quite simply boring. We all know the setting and the main protagonist. I finished the first one because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The second one I finished because I actually wanted to finish it because I bought it at launch day. Don't ask me why I did it, I just did.

You play as Cole, a guy who has super powers in the form of electricity. As you progress the game, you gain new powers and abilities, although I did not really enjoy them much.

The problem with me was the world. It just was not appealing. I found it too sterile and even though you could cause some mayhem I always found it lacking something.

This game often gets compared to Prototype and I did not enjoy that game as well.

You can climb on buildings, shoot lightning from your fingertips, slide on wires and even fly or should I say float. That sounds awesome but the game just didn't do it for me.

You have some boss battles which I found tiresome and tedious and the worst part is that a lot of these bosses become 'normal' enemies later on in the game. That would not be a problem if I would not encounter them every five minutes. And if you get hit twice, the screen becomes all grey. So you are pretty much looking at a slightly reddish gray picture.

For me, the game also fell flat regarding the missions. I felt that they just didn't know what Cole was supposed to be and do.

In the end I must say that I was disappointed by the game and I can not advise it to anybody, except those who really like games like Prototype and the original inFamous.