Where adventure games are heading... hopefully.

User Rating: 8.8 | Fahrenheit (French) PC
When was the last time your blood was really pumping in an adventure game? Even if you could think of a time i bet you had to think a while about it.

This is adventure gaming done right in 3d... finally. No more mouse hunts, or backtracking through the same area over and over again. This game is just pure action and exposition. The story is really good although not great. It tends to fall back on some cliche's at times but overall the story is something that will keep you enthralled and excited to watch.

The voice acting is pretty good as well. The same is the case with the graphics. Although It takes place during a major blizzard where everything is white the environments are all different and well done. THe music in the game is superb, without using a custom soundtrack. They actually take lesser known artists and use this in the game. Considering this is a game that takes place in the present this was a good move and each song seems to fit with the scene. It can get a little repetitive at times, but that is pretty rare. The atmosphere is great, there is always a faint staic on the screen which helps to exemplify the underlying insanity of what is happening. The graphics are terrific and really serve the story helping sell the modern setting the game takes place in.

There are a couple glitches, where you can stonwall your progress by doing tasks out of order. These are rare, but when they do occur can be rather annoying.

Lets get to the gameplay which is the most exciting part of the game. It is a bit like a rythem based game where you have to put in certian sequences of buttons at the right time while the action is happening behind. Overall this is great, and really can get your adrenaline going especially during some of the crazy sequences.

You get to play from the prespective of 4-5 different characters, but they all work and make sence for the story. Lots of unlockables and fun and diverging plotline make this a game that you should try.