So I receive my copy of Indigo Prophecy last week and I can't help but be intrigued by all of the hype...

User Rating: 10 | Indigo Prophecy PS2
So I receive my copy of Indigo Prophecy last week and I can't help but be intrigued by all of the hype about playing a "movie". I'd read the reviews on the gaming sites and I kept saying to myself that this is an awesome concept if it can be pulled off right.

It's been done right. From the onset you know you're controlling something truly different. The tutorial will walk you through the basics, as this game play like no other. Basic movements, slight shifts of the right analog button and you;re controlling every slight action the character has from opening a refrigerator to closing a window.

You start the game as Lucas Kane, but you dont know that. basically you're the murderer in a restaurant killing and the police are now after you. You manage to escape, but now the entire story unfold in a very detailed, very story oriented fashion.

Split screens, flashbacks, odd lighting and off the beaten path chapters make this game unreal. You play through the eyes of a few characters, and some acts may have you simply pouring some coffee and heading to work, or having a workout in the gym, but overall everything you do affects the storyline somehow.

As the game progresses you have tons of mini games which can feel frustrating or reptitive, but they downright make you sweat as you help one of the characters do what they need to do.

You almost always get the feeling that something is lurking behind you or about to flash before you and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesnt. But everytime you get chills from every corner.

This game is downright addictive, I've played it just about through in my first week, and I never do that.