Interesting gameplay and a superb story make Indigo Prophecy one of the best games in the genre on any platform.

User Rating: 9 | Fahrenheit (French) PC
- Superb story will interactive dialogue
- Solid gameplay made it intact from the console
- Fantastic voice acting and music
- Great cast will keep you playing

- Joystick slightly more ideal than keyboard and mouse
- Camera still a bother
- Graphics look better in the PC version but not good enough

Now here is a game you would want to play over, and over again. This outstanding adventure game made a safe translation from the console after being released a weak later for the PC, originally for the PS2 and Xbox. Indigo Prophecy does a superb job in almost all sectors, including a well developing story with involving dialogue, unique and addictive gameplay will keep you playing but is hampered by the dark and unfinished graphics and camera issues, but this is one of the best adventure games ever made, well for me it is. The game feels like a movie more than a game at times.

I've played and beaten this game for the PS2 two times already so now I know it be heart. The story is the best aspect of the game and as long as you keep guessing, you will be in for some surprising event. Lucas Kane found himself committing murder in the restroom of a public restaurant, but he could only see but could help it. Lucas is horrified and throughout the game he will search for answers, and he will be tracked down by the police as well. Indigo Prophecy lets you control two other characters aside from Lucas, Carla and Tyler which are both cops working on the case. The game has extremely good detective deduction and investigations. The story has got emotional, drama and a thriller feel. But in the end the game seems to go too far from the foundation and bases of the game. Overall not very long either.

Somehow the gameplay travelled safely from the console. It is still solid and very entertaining once you get into it. After a tutorial on how to play the game (not obligatory) you move to the story where your first job is to escape from the restaurant. You can be smart and clean up or hide the body and go off. The first one has time limited, but not all involve time limit but if the time limit is expired it is game over. Sometimes when moving near key objects, at the top of the screen you will see an item or two or even more sometimes and a little ball inside a larger circle. If it is up, move your mouse and hold the left button to perform that action. Some action require more than just that, sometimes at the bottom middle side of the screen you will see two arrow, one against the other and you have to put your effort in pressing the left and right key arrows until the action is finished. These are crucial most of the time. Indigo's other interesting mechanism is shown most of the time. There is no actual fighting in this game but this idea makes it better than one fight for adventure fans. The PC version makes use of the number keys on the right side of the keyboard and the arrow sticks while the PS2 version used the analog sticks. That is up to you to see which is better but with a keyboard this game plays well enough. When 8 buttons appear on the screen, it is time to take some action. Depending on the color you have to press the keys and numbers. If it is pointing up on the left side, press the up key, if it is the most right hand side press 6. You can change the keys if you want as well. PC adventure fans should be delighted because there aren't any pixel hunts here.

The game's camera is still a problem. You can't turn it freely and most of the time the backgrounds are too closed for a more free camera. You can zoom though, a change camera angles, but the movement isn't that great. This is probably the most tedious part of this port. Running might become impossible if holding two arrow keys at the same time, and checking the limited times might become frustrating. There are also some slowdowns in the game at some places but rarely when the gameplay is taking place which doesn't make you lose focus.

Graphically Indigo Prophecy is fairly good. The dark environments look better on the PC version that the console. The characters are very realistic and full of personality and the main cast will grow on you the more you play. Minor characters are also introduced in the game. The game has more cutscenes than gameplay overall. Although you won't be watching the game as it plays a cutscene and fall asleep. Interactive dialogues will keep you engaged and depending on the character you are using you will have different scenes. Again with using the mouse and left mouse button, you will have a limited time to do your answer, your answer might even determine certain outcomes.

What kind of movie wouldn't have great voice acting and music? Certainly not this one since everything about the sound is fantastic. The voice acting is top-notch right down to every character, the music is fitting for the game's unusual theme and the sound effects are great. Very movie like. Thanks to this the story has a more powerful approach.

Even if the adventure genre isn't so popular nowadays, Indigo Prophecy is the best there is, so far the best one I've played. There is no actual fighting in the game, but if you are a patient player looking for a great story, Indigo Prophecy is right up your alley. This unique and thrilling experience packs a superb story, innovative gameplay mechanism and a dark atmosphere, problems like camera and slightly dated graphics hold back what is the adventure game of the generation.


Graphics = 8.0
Looks slightly better on the PC than the PS2 was, but still not a wow. Characters have great personalities and are detailed but still not enough to cover everything.

Sound = 9.0
Fantastic voice acting and music make for a more impactful story. Feels like a movie.

Presentation = 8.7
Outstanding cutscenes with interactive dialogues. Annoying camera still a bother and controls are to get used to. Try a gamepad and see if it's better. Production values are a bit low.

Gameplay = 8.9
Unique gameplay will keep you on your toes. Exciting cinematics will keep you at the edge of your seat. Overall the gameplay is awesome which is surprising considering the translation from the console. 3 playable characters, interesting gameplay mechanism make this game shine.

Story = 9.3
One of the best stories around and it is my favorite adventure game. I've beaten it 2 times already so I maybe tired of it by now. Multiple endings deepen the game but overall short.

OVERALL = 88 / 100
Interesting gameplay and a superb story make this adventure game make Indigo Prophecy one of the best games in the genre on any platform.