A True cinematic game with unconventional and refreshing gameplay mechanics!!!

User Rating: 9 | Indigo Prophecy PS2
Indigo Prophecy is a third person action adventure game by Quantic Dream. It is a game that actually gives cinematic gameplay some context, as well as some real heartfelt meaning. More movie with an interactive progression than video game pretending to be a movie, Indigo Prophecy eschews practically any modern gameplay convention in favor of a significantly more subtle mechanical interface.

Game play consists of using the analog sticks and the R1 and L1 buttons for various challenges. In scenes, you'll have to push the analog stick correctly in the directions displayed on the screen, which will result in dodging the aforementioned flees, to learning what a cop is thinking about as they talk to you. The other button challenges follow this basic suit, so getting used to, bluntly put, "rhythm challenges" is an essential technique.

What's more, unlike in most games, you will be using the right analog stick to do everything except sprint outside of the scene challenges. In fact, I don't recall ever using the triangle, circle, or square buttons at all. The X button is used to sprint, and that's all. This game play style will take a minute or two to get used to, but when you are done, it will come almost naturally to you.

Script and voice acting wise, this is an incredibly impressive game. Every once and a while, the voice acting will feel weak, but otherwise, it will sound quite high in quality. The story is even better. It does have its holes, but it will actually have you thinking about it outside of playing the game. Last but not least, the characters are well thought out, and will actually grow on you. You won't notice it, but when something bad happens to the character, you will actually feel bad for them.

All in all, this game proves an impressive feat, and will provide a fun experience for anybody who enjoys great stories. Players also interested in the upcoming title Heavy Rain will receive a taste of the developer's first project which was an underrated classic.

Final Score: 8.8