Quite underrated, this is a very nice game, although the controls are sloppy and difficult...

User Rating: 8.7 | Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine PC
Indiana Jones fans look forward to each release of their favorite hero on the PC, and this game is nicely done.

Nice 3D build graphics make this game quite cool for all the archaeologist fans. While the outside scenery is a little choppy, inside caves and other monuments, the detail is simply fantastic.

There isn't much sound here, no fancy soundtracks or anything, but when the game wants to alert you of something, it does it beautifully with an adequate sound effect. Very nice.

Although the Infernal Machine presents a solid storyline, the in game controls are sloppy and difficult to control. Saving often is a must, as a little failure can lead to Game Over quickly. Overall, IM presents itself as a solid game, but because of it's failures, doesn't make it a totally enjoyable game. IJ fans will certainly be a little disappointed. Quite underrated, though, as it's good qualities beat its bad.