just fun, hard to handle at times but really worth the time and effort.

User Rating: 8.2 | Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb PC
i can be hard on a game. or a game can be hard on me. This time it was hard on me in a good way. I dont enjoy anything thats to hard to get the moves down pat on. i Enjoy streight forward missions. This game has it all. you have a great story line and wonderful pretty grafics. i bought it on the word from a friend and was not dissapointed. Its a non-stop action game. you dont get to rest for a second. You have to literally think on your feet, master a whip and your jumping abilities. I loved laura Croft Legend. Action packed. in your quest you Must find your rewards. Some only allow you to move forward, Dont find them your stuck. A host of creatures to kill and outsmart. some seem immpossible to defeat but u must. plus they give you a time limit in order to do it. find bridges that are invisable with out a certain reward. may twists and turns and always fantastic graphics. its fun and fustrating at the same time. you Must Complete it. the end is as great as the Beginning. I really recommend it for anyone that enjoys a Fun great action FPS. Oh and theres a girl trying to impress indy also love is in bloom. cute. Dialoge is also sweet. Not Boring at all. really try it youll like it.