There's never been a great Indy game, and unfortunately, this continues that trend.

User Rating: 6.5 | Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb XBOX
At first glance Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb seems like a lot of fun, but it doesn't last.


Hey, it's Indy, right?

Apart from that, there are a few things about this game that work. Hand-to-hand combat is one of them. You can use any small object lying around (chairs, bottles, planks of wood, etc.) as a weapon. The thing is, so can your enemies. It makes for very improvisational combat, and it's fun.

The other thing that really works is the whip swinging. While simple, there's something about using Indy's whip to swing that's a lot of fun. It probably has to do with the iconic nature of the character, but regardless, it's still a fun thing to do.


It's not Harrison Ford doing Indy, but rather some actor imitating him poorly. Actually, the voice acting in the game is uniformly bad, but then again, so is the script. It rivals Temple of Doom and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in terms of how bad it is. The story simply sucks, and it isn't aided by the fact all the characters are uninteresting and completely flat. Even Indy himself is this way, although that is largely due to how poor the actor doing him is.

Even worse, the camera and controls are awful. You are constantly fighting the camera to cooperate, and it seems in multiple sections the designers tried to use it as an impediment to make the game harder (a section where Indy was being chased by a tank comes to mind, where the modified tank cannon arm kept getting in the way of what was happening). Likewise, the controls are bad. It's very easy to fall from ledges, jump slightly in the wrong direction and plunge to your death, etc. It's very annoying.

There are numerous hidden artifacts littered throughout the game for the player to find. Sounds good, right? One problem: there's absolutely no point to any of them. You can't view them up close in detail, and they don't unlock anything. They are literally pointless.

Finally, there are the set pieces. You know how in Raiders of the Lost Ark or The Last Crusade, they're simply awesome? The truck chase scene in Raiders, Indy on horseback vs. the tanks in Last Crusade, Indy's dad destroying the airplanes with a flock of birds ... simply classic. Well here, the set pieces are simply ridiculous. The worst of the lot is a rickshaw chase. That's right, a rickshaw chase. What's even more ridiculous about it is that the people chasing Indy are in cars and on motorcycles. And yet, none of them are trying to drive over the rickshaw - they just hang back and shoot. And the whole thing is made even worse by the fact that THERE'S A CAR AVAILABLE for Indy to take in the cutscene that starts the chase, but he goes on a rickshaw. It's an unforgivingly stupid idea, and makes you wonder what moron came up with it (and even moreso, what moron approved it). It's the kind of idea that might sound good if one is drunk or high, but doesn't work in the real world, or even the video game world (which sums up a lot about this game).


Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is better than previous Indiana Jones games like The Infernal Machine, but that isn't saying a whole lot. It's unfortunate, since Indy is so iconic, and there's the potential there for something great. The only saving grace of this game is that the combat is fun; other than that, there isn't a whole lot of good to say about it.