A total war clone, but still fun. There's a lot of strategy involved.

User Rating: 8 | Imperial Glory PC
Imperial glory takes you into the wars in Europe, during the late 18th century and early 19th century. The choices that you make in this game are vast and extremely important, many wrong moves will make your country the size of Luxembourg. Although it almost clones Total war in many ways, it manages to entertain just as well. The map overview is peticularly fun and interesting, for that is the place where you make your most important choices.

It's definately one of the most strategical RTS's around. The graphics are reaswonable, with a few glitches here and there, one of the bothersome parts of the graphics would be the 2D trees that continuously face the camera with the same side of the tree.

Most games take about 30 hours to finish, because taking over territories is no easy deed. You can either peacefully anex the territory, or take over by force, both ways are both risky and time consuming. Commercial treaties (one of the many diplomatic treaties you may make) allow you to trade materials for other materials.

The game advances in a clever way, your technology and cultur slowly changes with the researches you make (in the research branch). Overall this game is quite complete, and very complicated. Making it an excellent experience.