Huge Dissapointment

User Rating: 5.8 | Imperial Glory PC
When I saw that a Napoleonic era turn based stragedy game was being released, I couldn't wait to get my habds on it. I'm a big fan of games like the Total War series, Rise and Fall, Knights of Honor etc. Unfortunately Imperial Glory didn't live up to what I expected. When I found out you could only play as five countries I was rather discouraged, but continued to play. What was worse was that the countries were "empires" so you already had more than one country to govern, and also the speed of the game seemed rather, slow, to say the least. It wasn't just the stragedy view that made the game slow moving, but unlike in the Total War Series when you fight a battle you cannot pick up the pcae of the game and have to wait 5 minutes fo ur troops to engage the enemy. When they finally did, I was suprised to see that the troops didn't have any morale gage of any sort, and that your/the enimies army would be wiped out quickly in a few minutes, which was never the case. I didn't expect much of the graphics to be honest, as they we all the same man, as in other games, so I didn't oay much attention to that. But I have to say that not all of the game was bad. The ability to fight in palaces and historich sites is superb, aswell as being able to fortify a certain building. Also the fact that you could personally command sea battles was a big plus for me, and made the game more exciting. But this was flawed, as the "battlefield" was too small and the ships kept leaving it. The game is ridden with flaws, the miniscule range of formations for troops apart from two different types of lines and if your lucky a square formation. Also again the tactical view was hugely flawed, as there were not enough provinces that made up countries. They should change this, although I realise it would historically inaccurate but who cares? The diplomacy side of the game is tedious and fruitless. Only being able to build certain buildings and create all troops in your capitol is ridiculous and makes me wonder what the developers were thinking. Overall the game culd have been an instant classic, rivaling the Total War series and other great games, but the foundations of the game were crap and let the whole game down. It lacks depth and it is obvious that it is the first in the series as the developers are inexperienced or just not rying to make this game better.