Well-designed but very easy picross/nonogram title

User Rating: 9 | Illust Logic DS + Colorful Logic DS
If you have played and finished Picross DS and are looking for other video games like it, then Illust Logic DS + Colorful Logic may be a title to look into. It is a nonogram (picross) title produced and published by Hudson, containing 400 unique puzzles.

There are three different types of puzzles offered in this game. The first kind is, of course, the monochrome nonograms, which are the more widely recognized, black and white puzzles. There are 215 of these, and a subsection of these puzzles are devoted to characters and sprites from Hudson games. After beating enough puzzles, you will unlock the ability to play music associated with each puzzle solution (by tapping a music note on the puzzle selection screen).

There are also 100 color nonograms. If you have not previously played a color picross puzzle, they are a great deal of fun and require an expansion of the logic rules you normally use. A few of these color puzzles also feature Hudson game sprites.

The third puzzles are--for lack of better phrase--composite nonograms. Composite nonograms look like regular monochrome puzzles, but each puzzle forms a portion of a larger image. You do not see the larger image until you have solved all the puzzles that form it. You have 40 2x2 composites, where 4 puzzles form a single larger image, and 45 3x3 composites, where 9 puzzles form a single larger image.

The controls of this game are simple, intuitive, and in most cases very good. There are some very basic, yet useful features; if you hold down X and press (let us say) right on your D-pad, you will not overwrite any colored spaces you may have marked. Similarly, if you hold down A and press right on your D-pad, you will not overwrite any spaces you may have marked with an X. Also, If you hold down right on the D-pad, your cursor will continue right until it reaches the rightmost border of the puzzle, where it will stop; however, if you tap right again, your cursor will loop to the leftmost side of the puzzle. The X button places an X, the A button fills or colors in a box, and the B button erases. In color nonograms, the L and R buttons switch between colors.

This game allows for 3 separate save files. There are three bland BGMs which can be accessed from the start menu (when in a puzzle, press start+A) and ultimately 25 background images (5 bgs, 5 colors; when in a puzzle, press start, A up on the D-pad, A).

If this game has any wifi or downloadable abilities, I don't know of them. Perhaps the biggest disappointment in this game, though, is that the puzzles are all very easy. The most difficult puzzles are found in the color section. There's an unbelievable number of monochrome puzzles with "full row" or nearly full row clues (e.g., "15" in a 15x15 puzzle). This is not a game to go to for challenge. However, it is very relaxing to play before going to bed.