I wish I was a kid trapped with a cute girl that can't speak english....

User Rating: 8.6 | ICO PS2
What is ICO? Puzzle solving? Adventure? Love? Shadow thingies? The answer is all of the above. ICO is truly a beautiful and unique game.

You play as this little kid with horns name ICO. He is taken to a temple and trapped there as a sacrifice, and there he finds a mysterious girl in white. He drags her around and has her open doors, and he protects her from wierd shadow cratures that try to take her away. In the middle there is some puzzle solving. Nothing that boggles ze mind, but some that can make your head think for once.

ICO looks beautiful as well. The lighting effects capture the feel of the game, and the silence and loud footsteps help set the mood as well. Little things here and there could have been fixed a bit, and it could have been longer.

Overall, this is a great game and a unique experience that should not be missed. I've seen it for $5-10 in some places, so you have no excuse to put off buying it.