Better than Shadow of CoLossus.

User Rating: 8.2 | ICO PS2
In my point of view I beLieve that ICO was more fun than Shadow of the CoLossus, as you get to soLve different puzzLes to soLve your way out in the game, but Shadow of the CoLossus was a bit boring as you onLy fight CoLossus and find a way to kiLL them which made me feeL totaLLy bored .I stopped pLaying Shadow of the CoLossus when I faced the 5th CoLossus cause I got bored but I remember when I pLayed ICO I was excited in soLving the puzzLes and punching those bLack souLs with my wooden stick! I think Shadow of the CoLossus wouLd have been great if they continued it from ICO, I mean making it the same gamepLay and everything.