Hard, and repetitive.

User Rating: 3.5 | I-Ninja GC
Okay apparently I bought this game about 4 years ago I got it for Chanukah one night and I was overjoyed, I had been looking forward to this game thinking it would be non stop ninja killing action but I was wrong...dead wrong! So on the first level i was begining to somewhat enjoy it thinking it was similar to many other games such as Star Wars: Jedi Outcast or a lord of the rings game and somewhat enjoyed it until the final part of the level. For some dumb reason you had to roll an eye of a robot to the beggining of the level again with enemies every which way, constantly losing my balance and patience I lost hope in the game after several tries and lost time I beat the first level. Then I proceeded onto the second level toward the end to find more eye rolling (literally) but this time tougher, I shut off the game threw against the wall, and screamed into a pillow after several failed attempts to beat this waste of time a couple weeks later I sold the game to a local gamestop and got my 50$ back and damn was I glad. Either this game was hard as holy hell or I just suck but for either reason I still don't and won't like it. I understand just because something is hard doesn't make it bad but this just made me into a nut case. I guess if you like a challenge and a small bodied, big headed ninja with a bad attitude voiced by Billy West killing things and rolling eyes to giant robots in a crack induced environment this is the game for you!