Very Underated Game of its time...

User Rating: 8.4 | Hybrid Heaven N64
I remember getting this game when it was released 7 years ago.

I didn't expect the storyline to be as deep as it was or for the atmosphere to be as haunting and disturbing.

Sure theres games out there like Silent HIll who top the scary/disturbing factor, but this game had a differant aura...something remaniscant of a very good sci-fi movie.

For its time i think it was a pretty cool game, i think it caught a very cool movie like atmosphere, even though there wasn't any dialogue it was still very well scripted and the soundtrack and the camera angles really made a tense enviroment for the player.

Graphically i remember back then not thinking too much of the graphics to be honest, but back then i dont think there was anything THAT much better.

Controls wise i can remember a few flaws like dodgy camera angles and the level design not being THAT great, however there are a few memorable moments which back then took my breath away...

I mean this was round a time when Zelda: Orcania of Time came out for the N64 and Metal Gear Solid came out for the Play Station so these games probably over-shadowed it.

However i always felt Hybrid Heaven was an interesting political storyline that had a good plot, cool fighting system, good script and dialogue and interesting movie like camera angles.