Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played on the N64.

User Rating: 2.2 | Hybrid Heaven N64
If you like to be bored out of your mind, be frustrated, and have an N64 GameShark, buy away. If not, STAY AWAY FROM THIS PILE! That's really all there is to it. Now I need to fill more space about how bad this game is. The gameplay idea stunk, effects were poor, expiring codes is just stupid, and some levels? Just to hard for my taste. Well, new it's probably $3.99 but it's really still not worth it. DO NOT (AT ALL COSTS) PLAY THIS GAME. Don't think about it. Don't look at it, say it's name, even look at this review. If you ever put this in your N64 burn both the console and the cartridge. It's the only way.

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