This game has all the good things from all the other hunting games that I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Hunting Unlimited 3 PC
This is probibly the best hunting game ive ever played. It has all of the good things from all of the other games ive played. In this game you can actually see farther than 150 yards. graphics are great and the sound is awesome. It has a sweet weapons and I thought the bullet came was sweet. the bullet cam looked like the it was from the matrix. Ive been hunting before and this game is very realistic. in most games the shot placement hardly matters, its like it will kill an animal in 2 shots even if you shoot them in the foot. in this game you have to hit vitals and it even tells you wich vital you hit. the custom missions are sweet. Its fun to make tons of dangerous animals and it sweet to customize the animals and the mission and every thing