Tennis Lover or not, it has abit of something for everyone to enjoy. #Real Score 7.9/10#

User Rating: 7.5 | Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip PSP
With Wimbledon appearing on our British Televisions every summer, you are most likely see one or two Tennis games being released around the same time as Wimbledon starts. There was a tennis game I really enjoyed playing for the Playstation 2 back in 2007 which was Everybody's Tennis. It was made by the same team that gave were Everybody's Golf which has been on Playstation consoles over the years from the PS1 up to now for the PS3. I'm not really much of a Sports person when it comes to games; I'm not really a Fifa fan in general or even an NBA fan on its line up of games every year.

So what can I really say about this game? Well for starters this is actually a spin-off from the Everybody's Golf series. The main story for this game is that you are spreading the word that Tennis is fun for anyone to play. As you explore each area around the world, you'll meet and make new friends the more friends you make they will join you on your trip around the world and will be unlockable to play in general.

Gameplay: If you've never played a Tennis game in general, this version on the PSP can be fun and can be a little addicting whacking your racket at the ball back and forth. The match controls are really straight foward if you are running around on the Tennis court; with use the directional pad or the analog stick to move. The X button is used for a Topspin shot/Spin Serve but you could say it's the main button which you will be using a lot to hit the ball, Circle is used for Slice shot/Slice serve this is mainly used if the ball is near the net and you don't want to hit the ball at full whack. Last but not least there's the Triangle button which is used for Lob shot/Flat serve where you can hit the ball and will fly high and land on the court which you'll see a yellow circle light telling you where the ball will land.

When you are play with someone each game are either set in 2 games or if you are playing a match with a character who is part of the story which can be up to 4 matches. If you do watch Tennis on the TV or played Tennis games you'll easily know how Tennis work, scores are set like One point is 15, Two points is 30 and Three points is 40. But however if you keep playing Tennis and trying to beat them your stamina will decrease making it harder to move around quick and you'll easily pass out. If you manage to beat your opponent you will earn a reward which is clothing or a new tennis racket; but you will also level up which will increase your stats.

Apart from playing Single matches, you will also be playing Doubles where you and another character which you can select to play with you in your team match. Whoever you choose they will act freely and try and help you gain points.

Graphics and Sound: The PSP version of Everybody's Tennis does feel like a port to the Playstation 2 version, but however the graphics and Anime visuals are pretty stunning and breathtaking to look at. Apart from playing Tennis you'll be wondering around various places around the world like from an American High school to a random Japanese TV studio, during gameplay the graphics do a nice touch while you're playing a game of Tennis you can see the power on fast the ball is going keeping you on your toes.

But however there are one or two problems within the game one of them is that whatever court you're playing on, you'll see various people watching you on the court and try to get your attention; it can be a little distracting and trying to mess up your match. The second problem you'll encounter is that the story isn't that great and there is a lot of dialog to get through making you not playing Tennis at all. It can be really especially if you want to skip all of that you still have to go around asking random people what to next or where you need to go to.

There is Data install for the UMD version which can 470MB for your memory stick which can be used to have less Loading times appearing on your screen. Voicing can be a pick and mix because most of the voice can be really cheesy but not really that bad and annoying. Before selecting your player you can also choose an umpire who keep an eye and a track of your score and do keep a good voice on like 15 all or 30-40.

Overall: Apart from playing Tennis you'll also be able to create and customise your favourite charcters with various clothing, gear, hair style and selecting tennis rackets to use. You can play up with a friend if they have a copy of this or up to 4 players if they have a copy of this game, I'm not sure if this game is compatible with the Adhavoc Party which you can download for the PS3.

But there is also game sharing too if you have a copy if it and they haven't you can easily play together, or try the demo on PSN from the Playstation store; if you own a PSP Go you can buy it off the store if you like. There are a few surprises and unlockables including a Helghast solider from the Killzone which you can play as for a game of Tennis.

As I mention this before I'm not much for a Sports fan on its games but I reckon you will get a lot out of Everybody's Tennis but however this game not be for everyone.