not too bad but didn't work for me

User Rating: 5.5 | Homeworld 2 (BestSeller Series) PC
I bought this game seeing the great reviews it has been getting from gamespot and many users but after a few hours I realize that that the game isn't what it should be. Mind you, I was interested only in single-player gameplay and not multiplayer.
There are so many positive reviews that I still wonder what the hell... what is it that others like so much about it? did I miss a point somewhere? I don't know.
Gameplay looks complex but once you get the hang of the game, it gets pretty simple. Actually except the environments, this game is not very different with other RTS games. There are all of old stuff: collect resources, build army and finally destroy enemies. There is only one resource in the game. Game menu is simple; there are two main tabs, build and research. I don't think it needs to more explanation.
In this game, the scale is just so large that you loose all of the fun details. I feel sorry for those graphic artists who put in so much time creating all of those great units because when you play you have to zoom out so far to get a grasp of the battlefield that you are just playing with dots!
It's impossible to spend more than 30 seconds zoomed in actually looking at your units, I ended up playing 50 percent of the game zoomed out, moving around little icons on a 2d battlefield.
The graphics are not that impressive and all environments look dark and dull. To view units in all of their 3D rendered glory, you have to zoom in so far you can't even see what they are shooting at or what is shooting at them. Zooming system is a bit confusing and there is no minimap. So, for seeing the entire battlefield, you have to use sensor key. Sounds effects are pretty good. The in-game music is quite well for this kind of game but it is monotonous.
The single player campaign was a joke. Storyline focuses on the mothership's attempt to stop the Vaygr from taking over Higara. All of missions have the same objective; destroy enemy units. There was no real strategy, you just start to collecting resources, researching and building as many as units you can and send them from point X to point Y. The only thing you should know is each unit are good against some type of units and weak against some other type of units, just like other RTS games.
Some missions are extremely hard. The AI has no restrictions unlike your own fleet with its limited numbers and long build times. You will never have time to rebuild your fleet after you complete objectives, the game forces you to progress to the next mission before you have a chance to rebuild. Multiplayer was better, At least you don't have to play on unfair condition.
In summary, this game is not too bad but I advised u to rent it 1st before buying this because its not a game that everyone like to play.