One of the most influential games has a sequel: it´s bigger, prettier, shinier... shorter and less entertaining.

User Rating: 6 | Homeworld 2 (BestSeller Series) PC
Right, let´s start with the good points.

The graphics and sound have improved over the original, it all blends together to give you that arabian dusk feel and atmosphere that we all (probably) loved from Homeworld. The details, shading and effects are just top notch although I would´ve liked to have some more options in the graphics tab.
The new shipsystem is absolutely brilliant, God how I hate clicking through hundreds of ships at a time. Well, no more of that since everything under frigate class is in a squadron now and reduces micromanagement.
The whole story feels alot more cohesive and the missions are entertaining and best of all: BIG! We all love big, right?

Oh noes, the bad points.
Albeit very good sound and graphics the only thing that the sensory part of this game lacks is soul. In the first both the visuals and soundtrack fitted perfectly with the scene that was played and you could really tell they put some work into it. Not so in Homeworld2, it´s all nice but you can really tell the motto was "make it sell" instead of "make it good". There is simply no depth in it.
The issue with lacking depth goes through all parts of the game, the graphics always look the same. One large map with some desert coloured background and some particle clouds surrounding the playing field. Yay for originality and variation?
The gameplay. While the engine itself is awesome again there is just not depth, variation or detail. Attack and move orders are basically the only commands that really have any effects upon the gameplay. The units that you actually need are also minor. Interceptors, pulsar gunships, missile frigates and some big guns. That´s really all you need to be pumping out since all the others are just pointless. Yay for originality and variation?
AI: Artificial Idiots. This game turned so easy once you knew how to exploit the AI. Your small ships attract the opponents small ones. You destroy them. Your small ships attack the big guys that have no guns for small ships and in the chaos you swoop in with your big ones. Simple as that, mission after mission after mission after... Yay for originality and variation?
The plot: the missions are all tied together like I mentioned, but oh dear: plotholes anyone? If Makaan had planetkillers, why didn´t he just hyperspace them in for the first assault and just... won? It´s also interesting that the only progenitor relics that haven´t faded after eons and eons in space are the ones that you and makaan need to gain power. What a coincidence huh? Also, the Bentusi just do not make sense and flip flop more than John Kerry. Then again they never did make sense starting with the original Homeworld. It´s so obvious that the producers were just out to sell something with the Homeworld logo on it rather that trying to create something that again redefined the genre. Half-Life 2 must´ve got its inspiration from this game.

All in all it´s easy to sum Homeworld2 up: nice little (short) game but very, very uninspired. Unvaried and easy to finish once you spot the exploits. Buy it at your bargain bin if you´re a space strategy maniac like me. Rest of you: buy something else, just: anything else.