The Hitman game with the best graphics and visuals in the series...

User Rating: 8 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
Although I have only played Hitman 2 once and only done 2 levels I think this is the best one. I got this game yesterday and I got addicted to it and played it 10 hours straight. What a great game, mostly superb for people who like killing, assinations and stuff like me . The game is very positive but it has it's negative side also. And we are talking about the PC Version. Here is my rating board:
*POSITIVE* *+ 9.5 Score*
+Great graphics
+Great physics and visuals
+Good AI
+Weapon upgrading feature (awesome) although there is only the pistol, mp, shotgun, m4 and a sniper but you can upgrade them with lasers, high caps, fire taking, silents, power .
+Fun to play over and over again
+ Good story but I skipped all the cutscenes except 2, I am more into it because of the gameplay
+Awesome levels, design, enviorment, the people all do their own things, talk, eat, go to the bathroom, guard.
+Tens of ways to kill someone (your target, anyone) . Bomb, shoot to kill, sniping (my fav) , melee attack, strangle, poison.
+So much good features this game is a must have
*NEGATIVE* *-1.5 Score = 8.0 Final Score*
-PC version crashes sometimes and I have looked to it in forums and boards. All say it and it is true even when you patch it
-Too short with only 13 levels . I was waiting for atleast 20
-Some levels can be completed so quickly

Thank you for cheking up my quick introduction review :)