This is the Hitman you've been waiting for.

User Rating: 9 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
In the Hitman series, you play as 47; and unlike the crappy movie, you will enjoy this. Blood Money is the best assassination game you've ever played. You can upgrade your shotgun to fire rounds that shoot through most doors, have a 6x sniper scope, and a silencer, and shoot the cameras and security guard with that weapon from over 50 feet away. This game is one of the few where you'll enjoy even the tutorial. Play in either first or third person perspective. If you liked any of the other Hitman games, then play this and I guarantee you will have fun throughout even if you failed. I have beaten this game over three times now, at least once on each system it's on: PC, Xbox 360, and PS2. Best on PC for it's graphics, you should connect a controller to the system and play from there. The story sucks you in and makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next. Like the other games, you will have to figure out where your target it, their habits, and plan ahead.

Presentation: Much better than the crap movie. It's got that sad tone and works very well.

Graphics: Still a great graphics engine but could have used a tiny touch-up.

Gameplay: It's the best stealth-action game ever and it's fun as hell to play. The controls are smooth.

Sound: It sounds great, the soundtrack is nice, and the voice acting is terrific.

Lasting Appeal: Fun to play over and over again to see the different ways to kill people.