This game is worth playing. The game gives reasonable respect to the realities of what an assissan does.

User Rating: 7 | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin PS2
This game is definately worth playing. The game gives reasonable respect to the realities of what an assissan does. Its realistic in many ways which gives the game an nice feel and the gamer a good feel after accomplishing something - lets the gamer feel like lonely professional assissan - i life we all wanted to live some or other time (...?...I know I'm not the only one!!).

Anyway, the games contains lots of action and killing. The AI of the game is very good compared to other PS2 - your enemies are not as dumb as what you think they are. For example, just by dressing in someone else's clothes does not necessarilly gaurentee that you will go unnoticed - just don't run!

The array of guns you are able to use and store makes the game fun. The option of the use of different guns allows each gamer to choose how he will take on and complete a mission. I do feel that the the game itself does not do justice to the amount of guns you have. What i'm trying to say is that i found all the guns unnecessary. I would have liked the game to have missions which would force me to use most of the guns - not just the silencers and the sniper rifle.

The game's storyline leaves much to be desired - it sucks. They could have done better - common people!! You have a professional assassin - licence to kill people - guns - how difficult could it have been to think about a nice theatrical storyline!!!

Anyway - it seems like the developers of the game got tired of producing the missions half way through cause the game, when it starts, takes you from mission to mission with you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next mission - then all of a sudden the missions start to faid in difficulty and interest.

The final mission is a disaster - the game is an anticlimax. I am a firm beliver that the last mission of a game should generally be one which the player has to really fight to finish - this just leaves the gamer with a nice feeling after eventually finishing it.

Anyway - cos alot of the latter missions were easier - the game felt shorter.

Despite the crit - the game is good and worth playing - 'nough said!