A Jagged Alliance "want-a-be"

User Rating: 4 | Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge PC
The plus' are this game is like Jagged Alliance. The minus' are its not Jagged Alliance. The zoom, view/camera angle and screen scrolling need to work better.
Also I believe EVERY game played in "Easy" or "Beginner" mode should be playable all the way through with a minimum of gaming experience and or expertise. Therefdore this game (as with most games on the PC, PS3, Xbox, etc) is too hard at the "Easy" level. In several gun fights in the 3rd and 4th screens/maps I shot a bad guy 7 times (with 3 different shooters and he was still alive but my 1 guy got shot twice and lost most of his "health" needing medical help to further function. That might be ok in "Expert" mode or even "Intermediate" but it is not ok in "Easy" mode.
All game makers should provide working cheats. They know their software and should make the cheats/work-arounds.