So just like all these other fanatics around here, ive got to say this game is wicked.

User Rating: 8.5 | Hidden & Dangerous 2 PC
So normally i try and wait until im done with a game or ive gone through the bulk of it. Ive played through the campaign on easy and impart way through on medium. I fully intend to run back through on the harder difficulties from time to time. A lot of games like this will alter its ai as difficulty increases, but in alot of these the ai starts becoming super human or can pick you up through walls, or hundreds of meters away. So far ive not noticed this and will edit this review if i find that to be true.

So ya, as guy with the weird pic on the other review said; this game is a hyrbrid game which definitely has a hitman feeling mixed with a more standardized shooter and add an old skool rainbow six like squad command element. Others still seem to complain about giving the ai orders, but apperently this is really buggy. I tended to move my troops either in pairs or i would just have them follow me, or i would move them individually myself.

and i wouldnt compare this to cod. COD is small maps with whack a mole spawn systems with few travel lanes, few hiding places, and or few methods of approach/escape. This game as others have mentioned has good size maps that definitely went to an effort to prevent feeling boxed in with the exception of a couple of levels, but these arent really a problem either.

Speaking of levels, each campaign is kind of independent from each other. They start you off each one with your insertion plan, and you usually have to get to extraction point at the end of the job, which just like the way in, might be very close or might be very far. A couple even send you through the water for entry.

The maps tend to be large and open, and they can really give you some freedoms/options that other games just dont offer.

As far as stealth, there is a stealth and disguise system built into the game again kind of like hitman (but only in a singular circumstance or two does blowing your cover end the mission), but you can only steal uniforms off of surrendering soldiers of if you can find the uniform before someone gets in it. Most levels tho i would steal enemy hats off the dead and changing uniforms when i could which made for a really colorful team that had the old 40's-50's motley crew like commando feel like movies of the day.

You get to choose your troops from a long list of individuals meaning you can customize your team significantly and if one dies he can be replaced by a new member at several points throughout the game.. Weapons are all real weapons and you get to choose from a semi limited but realistic stockpile and good selection of weapons mostly being english, american, some german weapons, varying from combat knives and pistols up to submachine guns, assualt rifles and 4-5 different types of lmg's or antitank rockets. and depending on the progression maybe italian or even russian weapons might be available. Theres a limited amount of gear you can carry based on the characters stats that will slowly upgrade each mission or every few missions depending on actions you preform.

Stealth ties into your load rating and equipping a backpack can greatly increase your carrying capacity, altho this decreases stealth you are still able to remain concealed if in a good hiding spot usually. I liked to equip all my guys with them, but you could strip down one or two of your men for a sneakier point man that has extra ammo being held onto by his comrades. You can also choose to give your boys a second rifle or weapon assuming you have the space (you usually should and have extra).

You can carry wire cutters, various types of explosives, different medical gear, and other mission applicable items. The game has a good climbing system and good leaning system for when your behind cover as well.

The game is all about small unit tactics and positioning. You might be storming a enemy basecamp on your own only to see that german who was about to ambush you take a shot to teh head from your sniper supporting you, or your machine gunner you have hidden off in the woods who covers travel lanes you establish.

Im definitely goign to pick up the first game when i can, as well as the expansion that came out for this game. This game is so broadly rounded and hitting so many bases that even tho its 7 years old now, no one who plays shooters of any kind should miss this. Hopefully you'll never go back to the mainstream fps's taht 99.9% of all gamers of today think are the greatest gift to man ever known despite providing less actual product then ever before.

If i have one complaint its taht the ai can be pretty dense sometimes. First it saw you through a wall then tries to shoot at you. Luckily the ai cant penetrate teh barriers between you usually so it just ends up giving away its position. Sometimes so far ive also noticed the ai wont detect threats (for both your troops and your enemies) and will just stand in front of your men unalerted.