All the 1's are in all fairness, probably LoL players. This is a good game, but like many still has a few flaws.

User Rating: 9 | Heroes of Newerth PC
I'll tell you right now its going to be hard to find an unbiased review for Heroes of Newerth, Dota, or League of Legends. There seems to be a war within the community where if you like one game, you must absolutely despise the other. Now i'v played Dota for a few years, when that grew to old for me i picked up LoL and played it for about 7 months. The reason i stopped was not because it wasn't a fun game, it was just because i found HoN to be better.

If you're looking for something that is the most like Dota in every way, then HoN is the game for you. It takes some of your favorite Dota characters and ports them over almost exactly the same. changing only the back story and a few damage numbers for their abilities. It plays like Dota, the heroes are like Dota, and the map is almost an exact replica of Dota's map. It has a large amount of heroes that they ported over from Dota, and now that the game has been out for a while it has a large selection of new heroes as well. I believe the number for heroes in the hero pool i just under 90 at the moment.

I myself have already played this game more then any other. And i only play about 1 game per day. The one game usually lasting around 1 hour, but i'v done this since i'v bought the game. Now that it is free and you no longer have to pay 20$, its very easy to pick up...but not so easy to get into. I will admit the community for this game, as like many horrible. Flamers, griefers, all around unless you play with friends, you will more then likely run into some really mean people. This game is easy enough to pick up for players who have played Dota, but for newcomers to this type of game genre, its going to take some time to figure out what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. With so many heroes and abilities, the first many games are going to be just learning how to survive, and trust me you will get yelled at while you do it.

Besides the bad community, i find i like this game very much. I dont hate Dota, i dont hate Lol. Hon is something that i think looked at what Dota did and turned it into something a little better. The balance patches come around ever Friday, with a new hero coming every two weeks. With some time put into it to learn the ropes, this can become a very fun RTS game. Please dont let all the 3 and below scores fool you. As i said this game along with Dota and LoL are basically in a giant pissing match, and you will always get flamers. It's now free to play, so go ahead and try it out and see for yourself. Good luck and have fun!