The Best Game !

User Rating: 10 | Hellfire GEN
The Best Game I played for 15 year and i am still have it one Genesis , PC , PS2 and PSP
the first stage is very easy you feels like you are really in speace>
the second stage is in Egyp it is normal my friend in 1994 did not complete it But i did
stage 3 is hard one
stage 4 in the forest and there is some fun but it is hard stage 5 the most beautiful stage in the game and it is EASY
stage 6 and the final is the hardest one i finished the game in 2001

that ia all But

The Best Game I played for 15 year and i am still have it one Genesis , PC , PS2 and PSP
the first stage is very easy you feels like you are really in speace>
the second stage is in Egyp it is normal my friend in 1994 did not complete it But i did
stage 3 is hard one
stage 4 in the forest and there is some fun but it is hard stage 5 the most beautiful stage in the game and it is EASY
stage 6 and the final is the hardest one i finished the game in 2001

That is all right now!!