Where's that power-up?

User Rating: 8 | Hell-Copter PC
Hell-Copter is a fast-paced and rather mindless 3d-shooter, its style similar to M.I.A. and to some extent the Desert Strike series. That said, the focus here is solely on action. Each mission is introduced with a very military styled briefing going through which objectives you will need to meet, then you choose one of three different helicopters and go out to lay down the smackdown on the opposition. You can purchase upgrades to add to the firepower and protection of your preferred vessel of death and also find power ups and ammunition strewn into the landscape.

The graphics are excellent, a lot of work has gone into creating the vehicle models, especially the helicopters which are beautiful to behold. The first time you will be charged by a pair of Cobras or a Hind you will have trouble focusing on the battle, staring at the great models instead.

All missions play out more or less the same, sometimes you will be given friendly forces to protect, other missions are typical base destruction jobs. It gets pretty hectic at times, but shouldn't prove too frustrating. However, if you play a couple of missions in a row it will quickly get samey, but consumed in healthy dozes this is one fun shooter!