A strange little game that actually turns out to be quite entertaining.

User Rating: 8 | Heiankyou Alien GB
As warped as this game's story is, the gameplay itself is very simplistic. You dig holes for the aliens wondering around the map to fall into then you must bury them alive. Its very much like the majority of Lode Runner games except it doesn't have as much of a puzzle aspect to it and the view is from a top-down perspective. As simple as the game play sounds, the challenge comes in via the increase in the amount of aliens on the map at a given time, the speed of their movements, and obstacles on the map preventing you from being able to dig in certain areas.

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Great replay value
- Challenging
- Very retro and simple game play

What's Not-So-Good:

- Very weird plot in an unusual setting

What's Bad:

- Redundancy. I guess much of the same can be said about other classics such as Pac Man, so its not a deal breaker

In all, a great pick up and play with an old school feel to it.