This game is for those snowboarding people who just like... simple snowboarding games.

User Rating: 7 | Heavy Shreddin' NES
I remember like 10 years ago my mom buying this game at a convenience store because she thought I would like it because it was... snowboarding.

Story: N/A
- There is no storyline to it because it is a game about snowboarding which is sports, and sports game does not need a storyline right?

Gameplay: 7/10
- The gameplay was all right. It was simple and difficult at the same time, but all right. There are three mountains that the player must overcome in order to complete the game. As the player descends the mountain the terrain becomes more and more difficult to navigate. There are three degrees of difficulty on each of the mountains. The first is novice (marked by a circle), the second is intermediate (marked by a square), and the third is expert (marked by a diamond). The player starts out with four lives. There are five different events and a total of 18 levels of play. In order to progress to the next event, you must first successfully complete the event you are currently playing. If the player falls or runs out of time a life is taken away. After completing a trail the player is rewarded with a bonus life. If the player is able to complete all of the trails and events they will have completed the game.

Graphics: 7/10
- The stages all have a simple "white background" that is suppose to be just the snow, but all the things like the trees, and the flags all looked good.

Sound: 7/10
- The sound effects of the game are very noticeable as you walk on snow and ride off of snow bumps. The music is good; it has a pop style with old beats to it.

Overall, I give this game a 7 out of 10 as it is just a simple snowboarding game. I am not a snowboarding fan but I do like those games that do tricks in the air.