Not your everyday game because really, its not a game, its a work of art.

User Rating: 9.5 | Heavy Rain PS3
Heavy Rain is hard to describe. Its not a game and its not a movie, but strikes a fine balance between the two. The story of Heavy Rain carries out like a drama revolving several different characters whose stories intertwine as they search for the answers behind a rash a several grizzly murders from a killer known only as the Origami Killer. The game has a very forward story but this story can have any number of endings as any one of the four characters you play as can die at any moment as you decisions in the game affects how the entire story plays out. Should you die as one character, you will continue with the remaining. A level involves pressing a button or moving the joy sticks when prompted to carry out intense action scenes ranging from an epic gun battle, deciding how or if you will cut off your hand, and even escaping from an insane doctor. However, any of these scenes can end in disaster or victory with the wrong half turn the joy stick or missing a button press. The game it self as absolutely beautiful to look at with the advance PS3 hardware and any PS3 owner with an HDTV will be delighted but it will still look great on a standard definition tv. While this game is fun to play, it is very difficult to play. The unorthodox controls take some time getting to used to, and sometimes it may be difficult to beat an objective, and while the outcome may not be what you wanted because you may have missed something that may have been very obvious, there's always the option to replay a chapter after you beat it. In the end, the sum of all its parts make Heavy Rain a unique experience that makes it a game that should not be missed by anyone with a PS3, even if it's only a for a weekend rental.