This game is superb, its my favourite wii game at the minute!

User Rating: 8.8 | Heatseeker WII
This game is superb, its my favourite wii game at the minute! the game play is action packed there is always new objectives to complete from dog fighting above a huge naval fleet to bombing target on land to destroying fleets of enemy boats. The later missions are epic you think your done then some crazy dictator will throw something new at you, most likely a hanger built into the side of a mountain but this all just adds to the fun of the game. There are plenty of different planes to keep you occupied in this game which you unlock as you go along 20 in all. I have probably played about 4 hours and have unlocked about 7 of them. Also there are different weapons and plane kits that you also unlock as you progress though the game.

The control system works really well most of the time. you point with the wii mote to move your plane about the screen, to use the main weapons you use the B button as well as the D pad to change weapon and zoom, you also use the nunchuk as the throttle and machine gun. as I said they mostly work fine but sometimes they do fail and you go nose first into the sea which in a long mission is annoying.

The graphics look good when your flying around you get a blurring effect that works really well, shadows are cast across your plane and when you use the afterburner the entire screen bends around the edges of the screen which looks really cool when you use it. I get what people are saying with the cut scenes they wouldn’t look out of place on a early ps2 game but there only cut scenes at the end of the day I mostly skip them anyway.

I would recommend this game to anyone with a Wii even if you rent it. your missing out if you give this one a miss!