Good game and will only get better with new updates

User Rating: 8.5 | Hearts of Iron III PC
This is a great game for all history buffs out there, if you think you could do better at taking a nation through the 2nd world war then here is your chance, you can play hundreds of countries and choose to change history as you know or follow it it's up to you. You learn as you go with pop ups telling you that on this date things happened. There is a lot of depth behind the sense of the game (spies, diplomacy & Tec) you have 1000s of things to research like knew weapon technology to how well the equipment supply chain runs. And like I said before you can change history as you know it by developing weapons that were not meant to enter the war for another 6 years making the balance of power fall in your favor.
There is a lot to think about when building an army on this game the things to consider, do you have enough officers for your units do you have enough men, has your country got the materials for your troops. When I first played the game I built a massive army but when war kick off my country could not keep up with the demands of spear parts and food needed on the front lines, pulse if your own country men & women are not happy with you they let you know about it be kicking off and taking over towns.
There are a few bugs in the game that let the game down but with the new v1.2 patch coming soon it should play more smoothly, I have shown this game to my friends and they did point out something that I never really noticed until now. If you want a game with visual fighting with big bangs in it then this is not the game for you but if you have an open mind and like in-depth games then fill your boots.
Thanks for you time shrek296