For the casual Gamer that just wants to turn on AI and watch, this game is simple and works. Otherwise, it's broke.

User Rating: 2.5 | Hearts of Iron III PC
Having looked at most of the reviews, including Gamespots, it has become abundantly clear to me that most gamers are just casual about it and are happy to watch AI play a game for them, because if anyone had actually tried to micromanage the game and really play it, they would know it is broken to the point of being nearly unplayable.

It is riddled with bugs.

In my attempts to play it, the AI running the convoys that are supposed to supply troops on foreign shores is stupid and the manual control of the convoys is broken. The production sliders have no memory for what they are set to and drift all over the place. Similar things sometimes happen with the officer sliders under the tech window. This has lead me to the point of frustration that I am just not playing the game anymore until it is fixed, and I doubt it ever will be, because when I tried to report the bugs to Paradox, they dismissed the biggest ones and tried to write it off as how the game is supposed to work and it was clear that the actual report was either unread, misunderstood or dismissed as myself not knowing what I am talking about.

A search for 'HOI3 Proof of Bug' on YouTube will turn up a video I had a hell of a time making that demonstrates the Production slider bug that they dismissed.

In all, this game is not finished, is another Beta version being marketed as a finished product and what is worse, Paradox seems to have taken on the technical support attitude that it is always best to blame bugs on the user.