Great potential, let's hope the glitches can be fixed to make the greatest HOI

User Rating: 8.5 | Hearts of Iron III PC
It was a long wait from HOI2, and I started the game with high expectations.
Old HOI fans won't be disappointed, this is a true HOI game. The depth, at all levels, is simply incredible. The opportunities to change the course of history are numerous, but you can also decide to change the course of the war, which gives a fantastic replay value, if you count all the different factions and scenarios.
Once the game was started, I had a really hard time to stop, it's as addictive as ever.
All is not perfect unfortunately, glitches and bugs are numerous, but Paradox seems to be quite reactive on these, so hopefully, in a couple of weeks, all of the potential of the game will be unleashed.
To sum it up, if you liked HOI 1 & 2, you'll love HOI 3. If you don''t know the series, the path is quite difficult, the game is so deep and complex that it's probably quite tough to get into its mechanics, but I don't see any war/strategy game fan not liking this great game.