Great game, despite its great number of bugs

User Rating: 7.5 | Hearts of Iron III PC
I really loved HoI II, and it couldn't be different with HoI III. The game is all polished from his previous version, since the graphics to the country management screens. Most of the things makes sense, despite one or another flaw, that makes the game less realistic, but not less fun. i.e when you want to declare war on some other country, there are some "requirements" needed to do so, involving neutrality and threat, something that I think thats not happen in the real world in certain situations, where a country can act justifying his action by stating that "we're defending our sovereignty indirectly". The game have a lots of these kinds of flaws, but it doesn't make it less fun, and sometimes these "flaws" make the game more challenging.
To those who are waiting a political simulator, this game can be a little frustrating, since you don't control much of your domestic policy besides some generic laws, that in most of the cases, are there to choose between a prepared-to-war country and a not-caring-to-war country. But for those who are waiting principally to wage war, this game is perfect, since its easy to mobilize troops, put them to fight, and its not all that hard to master the knowledge of start doing your own tanks and infantry .
Now, the downs: the game has a lot of bugs and the games lags VERY much in some computers, despite it being a 2.0 Ghz or a 3.4 Dual Blaster Master of Puppets machine, it looks like the lag is something very random. I just could play the game after editing some LUA scripts, a way that I found on the Paradox Forums. And this is terrible, since most of the people who play games aren't real geeks, so most of the users can just give up playing.
Even after editing the scripts, the game started to crash in certain savegames, despite my choose of country, after a certain date (in my case I played Germany until it crashed in 1942) Then I tried to install the 1.1 patch, and then I couldn't play any longer, since it would crash in the loading screen in the beginning of the game. I had to uninstall the game and install it again in order to play it again. Right now I'm playing again, after installing and uninstalling the game for something like 4 or 5 times, without the patch.
So, the game is perfect for all of us aspiring to be dictators and conquer all the world, or just to do history differently, it offers us all the tools to do so, in a great style. Just lets hope that paradox fix all the bugs in the next patches so I can give a 10 to the game :)